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Teacher Cadet class is a dual enrollment class offered in conjunction with BEHS, the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA) and University of South Carolina at Salkehatchie.  This is a senior level class offered with AP weighted credit.  It is sometimes available to juniors.  It is designed to encourage students who possess a high level of academic achievement and those personality traits found in good teacher to consider teaching as a career.  Students are exposed to the many facets of education through class discussion, observation, and participation in public school classrooms.  In order to be accepted into the program, the student must


  1. Have and maintain an overall B average (3.00) in college preparatory curriculum
  2. Be recommended by at least 3 teachers and
  3. Apply for and be accepted into the program.


The Teacher Cadet program is a high-quality course designed to attract students from the top quartile into teaching.  Academically talented students are encouraged to apply.  The program’s selectiveness is necessary due to the academic nature of the class.

Applications may be obtained from Jane Moody  ( janemoody@bamberg1.net )

Ms. Moody

Jane Moody

English/ Teacher Cadet
